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Cataloxy Providence...Companies in ProvidenceAgriculture & FoodLivestock and fishVeterinary and specialised animal servicesAnimal Rescue League

Animal Rescue League, Providence

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Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown, Iowa

Animal Shelters The Other of Animal Rescue League is ANNA VINACCO Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : It is the Mission of the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown to provide a safe haven for lost, homeless and abused companion animals; to help reunite lost companion animals with their family; to find new homes for adoptable abandoned animals; and to aid in strengthening the human to animal bond.
It is the Goals of the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown to decrease unnecessary euthanasia of companion animal; to provide shelter, food and medical care to lost, homeless and abandoned companion animals; and to foster a sustainable organization through good stewardship of shelter resources.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Animal Rescue League in Providence you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1913

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 34 Elbow St
02903, Providence, Rhode Island

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Animal Rescue League in other states:

Marshalltown, IA (Iowa), Providence, RI (Rhode Island)

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