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Post a review about Blue FIN. Capitalin ProvidenceInsurance The Information technology director of Granite Capital Group is ANDERSON FROHMAN Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The accumulation of wealth brings both responsibilities and opportunities. In today’s information-rich world, making thoughtful and informed investment decisions has become an increasingly difficult and time-consuming task. Most investors find that the complexity of this process rises with the growth of their financial assets, responsibilities, and opportunities.
We founded Blue Fin Capital to help clients preserve and enhance their wealth over the long term. With a concentrated focus on investment management, Blue Fin Capital provides clients with professional and objective expertise, attentive service, and the multiple benefits that accrue from capital allocated to separately managed accounts.
Our clients are loyal to us as a result of the solutions and service that we provide. Each client is provided with a tailored investment plan that is targeted towards the realization of specific objectives. The success of our firm is driven by the success of each unique client.
We invite you to explore our firm’s capabilities and services. Should you have any questions, please call us at (401) 454-0772 or email us at 10 Weybosset St Ste 302b02903, Providence, Rhode Island Similar companies in Providence
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